specific ones/main genders


Abigender, also called bxgender, biagender, or librabigender is a gender that is both agender and bigender, or is somewhere in between those two identities. It is a gender in which one experiences two genders but also has a connection to genderlessness and/or agender feelings.



Non-binary (also referred as enby or shortened down as NB) describes any gender identity that does not fit the male and female binary system.



Boygirl (or Girlboy, Guygal, Galguy and sometimes shortened to Birl or Burl) refers to someone who identifies as both a Male and a Female (or a Guy and a Gal in the case of Guygal), is connected to both boyhood and girlhood, or whose identity is so interconnected it cannot be separated.



Androgyne is a non-binary gender identity in which one is simultaneously a man and woman, or between the two.



A transgender (often shortened to trans) person is someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth.



Xenogender is a non-binary identity and umbrella term in which one's gender goes "beyond the human understandings of the gender." (i.e concepts such as femininity,masculinity,neutrality,Androgyny,agenrity and outherinity)and can be best described by other methods of gender categorization. This includes genders what are related to animals, plants,or other things that are not traditionally gender.they are often used by neurodivergent community (people with ADHD, autism, OCD, etc.), but the term is not exclusive.


two genders what i identify with

Non-binary girl

Non-binary woman or Non-binary girl refers to someone who identifies both as a girl/woman and as non-binary.



Enboy, also known as manby or guyby, is a term for someone who is a non-binary man. It can be used by anyone who identifies as both a boy/man and as non-binary. It can include multigender individuals with a non-binary gender and man/boy, gendervast individuals, individuals who are genderfluid or genderflux between non-binary and male, a male-aligned non-binary individual (or solarian), a neuman/neumale, etc.


lingender/boygirl/ mascfem genders


Librafemmasc or librafemasc (librafemasline/librafemimasculine): a scale where one side is agender and another side is mascfem/femimasculine/femmasc/femasc or lideogender/lideospec; an identity that is mostly agender but: ① has partial/strong/particular connection to feminimasculinity/femimasculinity/femulinity/ feminulinity(/femmaslinity/femmasculinity/femaslinity) and/or its gendered feelings; ② experiences little attachment to being femuline/ feminuline/femmasculine/femasculine/femasline/ mascfemme/feminimasculine/ femmasline;



A gender that is xenogender and relates to masculinity and femininity in some way. Whether that be being a girlboy/boygirl and xenogender, being xenogender in a masculine and feminine way, etc.



Nixavire is a nixic gender that is genderless, masculine, and feminine. It can be considered a combination of genderlessness with juxera and proxvir, or a combination of genderlessness and femache. This may manifest as identifying partially as femache. These aspects can be experienced simultaneously, fluidly, or through fluctuations.



A gender that is a combination of boy, girl, and agender. This gender could also be called gxrlbxy, depending on the preference of the gender user.



A gender that is both enbyrl/enburl/enbirl and agender/no gender. The combination of engxrl/gxrlby/engxl/xngirl/gxrlbie/xngal/gxlby/gxlbie and enbxy/gxyby/gxybie/engxy/xnboy (zeninœ/zeninoe/zenineo & zeninea/zeninae/zeninæ); non-binary bxrl (zeninoa/zeninao).



being both xenboy and xengirlby.


xenine genders


Someone who is both xenogender and cis.



Xenohoarder or Xenocollector is a term for someone who hoards xenogenders. This term differs from Genderhoarder and Jackdawhoarder because while those terms include the binary, xenohoarder is exclusive to people who collect xenogenders only.



Libraxeninity (libraxenogender or xenolibragender): An identity that is mostly agender, but has a connection to xeninity/xenohood. This connection may be fluid / static.



Polyxenic refers to having multiple xenic identities. This could mean any combination of two or more xenogenders,static or fluid, fluctuating between multiple xenogenders. This could also apply to having multiple xenic alignments or xeno-aligned expressions. Terms like panxenic, bixenic, trixenic and panxenovir are all under the Polyxenic umbrella. however, these terms may be used on their own.



term for when you hoard xenogenders like files in a computer could even feel like different folders on each theme !



Xenby (or xenbie) is a term for people who identify as xenic and non-binary. It can include but is not limited to people who are multigender with a non-binary and xenic genders, gendervast people, genderfluid people who most commonly experience non-binary and xenogenders, stellarian xenic people or any others who identify as both abinary and as xenic.


Others genders


Transmasculine, sometimes abbreviated to transmasc, is an umbrella term that describes a transgender person (generally, but not exclusively), who was assigned female at birth, and whose gender is masculine and/or who express themselves in a masculine way. [1][2] Transmasculine people feel a connection with masculinity, but do not always identify as a man. Transmasculine people don't always need to be referred to as "he/him" or as a man. Some transmasculine people use "they/them", "he/they", and sometimes even "she/her" pronouns.



Cisfeminine describe individuals who are connected to cisgender femininity or cissex femaleness. Cisfemininity is a term used to describe cis individuals who were assigned female at birth and experience feminine gendered feelings to a greater extent than with masculinity.



Demigirl,also known as Demiwoman, Demifemale or a Demilady,is a gender identity describing someone who partially identifee as woman or girl. in addition to feeling partially like a girl or woman, Demigirls also feel partially outside the binary. that can include anything on under the non-binary umbrella like agender, genderqueer, or xenogenders for example.



Demiboy,also known as Demiguy, Demiman, Demimale, or Demidude, a is miaspec demigender identity in which one's gender is partially male. and partially other gender(s).



Transxenine is a term used to describe a transgender individual who identifies fully or partially as xenine/xenic. It can be considered umbrella term for individuals who transition to a xenine identity.



Trisgender,also known as trinsgender or cransgender, is a gender modality for someone is both cisgender and can be experienced simultaneously or as fluid in between.



Polygender, poly-gender, or polygendered (from Greek poly "many" + gender) is a nonbinary gender identity in which a person feels that they have more than one gender identity, or that they express "characteristics of multiple genders, deliberately refuting the concept of only two genders," as it was described in 1995, so it was in use by at least that year, if not earlier. Polygender is one of the common nonbinary identities today. In 1998, the word polygender was used in a transgender community on the Internet called Sphere as an umbrella term for trans people whose genders were outside the binary



Kenochoric is an umbrella term that describes identities, mainly gender, that is centered around the idea of kenospia (a forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people, but is now empty and abandoned) among other things. These concepts can include the unknown, eerieness, the uncanny valley, obscurity, nostalgia, emptiness or vastness, liminal spaces, nonhumanity, and things that can evoke any or all of those things.



Megender is a gender that cannot possibly be described by an infinite amount of labels, so the simplest way to put it is that the individual identifying as this label is the gender. One can identify with other labels while identifying as this label too, but no matter how many labels one identifies with, it cannot fully describe one's gender.



a term referring to someone who is transmasculine and nonbinary; a masculine-leaning nonbinary individual.



Genderless refers to the state of not having a gender. A genderless individual experiences a complete absence of gender. The term is usually interchangeable with agender, but some might prefer it over agender, because genderless more clearly shows that one does not have a gender. Genderless can also be an umbrella for terms like agender, gendervoid, and singularian.


main xenos


Pupgender is a xenogender that is puppy-like, connected to puppies, and/or described as small, lively, cute and any other quality associated with puppies. It is sometimes used as an umbrella term for dog-associated genders.



Catgender is a xenogender in which one feels an extremely strong connection to cats or other felines, either strongly identifying with them or simply wanting to incorporate them into their gender to better understand their identity. It was made with neurodivergent individuals in mind, specifically autistic individuals, as well as individuals who may experience delusions relating to being a cat or other feline, or individuals who experience species-regression. However, anyone may identify as catgender.



Fictigender is a term for when one's gender is connected to or based on a work of fiction, a fictional character(s), a fictional species, or an object, setting, or concept from a work of fiction. It also includes genders that come from a work of fiction. It can be both used as an umbrella term for a subgroup of xenogenders, or as a standalone term for when one's gender is affected by several fictional concepts or by fiction in general.


wanna to see my xenogenders?

go to the xenogender hoard :P