Omniromantic is a romantic orientation where a person is attracted to all genders, sometimes with a preference for certain genders. It is often grouped with other romantic orientations that involve attraction to multiple genders, such as biromantic, polyromantic, and panromantic.
sourceAromantic asexual, often shortened to aroace, aro ace, or arose, is a term that refers to a individual who is both aromantic/aro-spec and asexual/ace-spec. Aroace can be used for any individual who identifies with both spectrums. For example, an aromantic asexual, an aromantic demisexual, an acespike frayromantic, a lithromantic greysexual, and even a Grayromantic Asexual can all be described as aroace. If someone wants to express that they do not experience any sexual or romantic attraction at all, they may use the label bold stripe aroace.
sourceGaybian, lesbigay, lesbivincian, lesgay, lesburanian, velaurian, lesbiveldian, lesturian, or geiseric refers to someone who is gay (gay man/vincian/turian or veldian/uranian/floric) and lesbian.
One's identity as gaybian may also be caused or influenced by being abrosexual, novosexual, duosexual, or varioriented. One may also identify as or be considered bisexual, multisexual, pluralian, or ambisexual. However, one may not always consider bisexual to be an accurate description of their attraction, as the attraction they experience is always in a gay way. Similar identities include omnique, lahuric, lahurian, sapphillean.
sourcesEnbian, also known as non-binary loving non-binary (NBLNB), or owtic, is a diamoric orientation that refers to non-binary individuals attracted to non-binary individuals. One may or may not be attracted to other genders as well. This attraction does not need to be exclusive, as the label is used in a way to unify all non-binary individuals who love other non-binary individuals.
sourceDemiromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum defined as someone who does not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone. This connection may be sexual, platonic, or another form/combination of forms, depending on the demiromantic individual. Forming an emotional bond with someone does not mean that one is automatically attracted to said individual, as it just means there's now a possibility for one to feel attraction.
sourceAsexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity. It may be considered a sexual orientation or the lack thereof. It may also be categorized more widely, to include a broad spectrum of asexual sub-identities.
sourceLesboy or boy lesbian (boysbian) is an identity for an individual who in some way identifies as a boy/man that is gay/queer for women (lesbian).
sourceTurigirl (turiagirl, girlgay, gaygirl, vincigirl, florigirl, vinciagirl, uranigirl, uraniagirl, girlcian, galcian, veldigirl or veldiagirl, girl turian, veldian woman, etc) is an identity for someone who in some way identifies as a girl/woman/gal that is gay for men (turian/vincian/floric/uranian).
sourceAn oriented aroace is an aromantic asexual (aroace) individual who experiences a form of tertiary attraction, that they feel is significant enough to warrant a place alongside their aroace orientation.
sourceAn aego aroace, or aegorose, is an individual who is both aegoromantic and aegosexual. An aego aroace person likes the idea of romantic/sexual relationships but there is a disconnection between them and the relationship. They may have sexual/romantic fantasies, view porn/romance novels/movies/etc. They generally feel little to no sexual attraction and romantic attraction and typically do not desire to have sex or a romantic relationship with another person.
sourceomni-gaybian is being omnisexual/romantic and gaybian at same time
no source i just made the definition and i only found a flag of it (i don't made the flag).
omni-enbian is being omnisexuao/romantic and enbian at same time
no source i just made the definition and I only found a flag of it (I don't made the flag)
lesbivincimascfem is for those who are masculine and feminine aligned individuals (specifically lingender individuals) who are also lesbians and gays/vincians/turians!!
sourceA lesbian who is attracted to men, male-aligned, etc people, exclusively or not. It does not include being only attracted to binary men.
sourceA veldian who is attracted to women, female-aligned, etc people, exclusively or not. It does not include being only attracted to binary women
sourcea veldigirl/turigirl who is both cis and trans; a cistrans/transcis veldigirl/turigirl
sourcesomeone who is both a veldian/turian/gay man and a cis girl; a cis girl veldigirl/turigirl
sourcebeing transmasc and lesbian at same time
no source I just made the definition and I only found a flag of it (I don't made the flag).
a term for people who are turigirls and lesboys, either at the same time or fluid between the two! this term is inclusive of all turigirls and lesboys.
sourceSapphic achillean (also known as sapphicchillean, saphilean, sapphilean, sapphillean, sapphichillean, sapphoachillean, saphillean, or sapphillian) is a term for when one considers oneself sapphic and achillean due to being both male or masculine-aligned and female or feminine-aligned (fluidly or simultaneously), and being attracted to men and women. They identify as MLM and WLW, and may also identify as MLW and WLM. A sapphic achillean individual may or may not be also attracted to other genders.
sourceFagdyke or Dykefag: someone who is mutually fag and dyke; identifying as both guydyke/boydyke and girlfag; identity adopted by some gay lesbians (gaybians, lesbigays, geis), sapphic achilleans, omnigays, attrafluids, abrosexuals, novosexuals and wlw mlm.
source1. Being a gaybian in some way, shape or form! 2. Complex and unique identity 3. Fluidity, Capacity of liking many genders 4. Being both a gaybian and a fagdyke at the same time 5. Reclaimming queer terms 6. Inclusivity! 7. Being a fagdyke!