thiz perzon iz ztupid furry multifandom autiztic who likez 2 turn ppl into furriez or werewolvez

alucard/mark/banny/felix/etc✦she/him/xe/ditto/alt/it✦ 5teen!!✦furry artizt/animator/writer

hewo I'm alucard I go by mark/pinkie/banny/trixx n' etc I'm juzt a 15 year old artist/animator/writer who iz ztuck on 2000'z/2010'z in internet and 80'z/90'z in TV and ztuff

here iz sum ztuff about me

queer click here 2 zee my labelz ^_^

white I'm not a black or poc but I zupport them


age dreamer

brazilian 🇧🇷

birthday iz april 29th ♉️

i have autizm n' angry izzuez

multifandom!! (I'm in alot of fandomz

zimp bitch

werewolf n' werecreaturez fan 🐺

TF lover (I don't like in fetizh way


gore n' horror lover

idk what iz my MBTI


I have myopia n' aztigmatizm

typing quirk uzer

favorite animal?:catz,dogz,bunniez,foxez,wolvez n' deerz

inspo:5lient5cientist,foxi boxi (i don't zupport her),kittydog and etc

favorite aeztheticz:softcore,webcore,vhs aeztheticz,80zcore,90zcore,kidcore, nostalgiacore,dreamcore,weirdcore,gorecore, feralcore,arcadecore,plushcore,glitchcore,tweencore,tropicalcore, glagglecore,cleancore,hospitalcore,unicorncore n' frutiger aero

I animate zince 2020 n' I draw zince childhood

my discord iz c4zzandrag0re (FRIEND ME PLZ)

I luv roleplayz I COULD LUV IF U RP WITH ME!! (if i have time n' if I'm ok)

art term status
requeztz friendz only
art tradez azk me
collabz open
commizzionz clozed

thiz iz my main sona alex!!

thiz iz her true form
